It's been about 2 months since I restarted Taekwondo classes and I am feeling wonderful. I'm down 18 pounds to date, and am regaining my flexibility. That being said, I am starting to feel so much like my old self that on Monday on targets being held by my Master, I attempted to do a jump spinning roundhouse kick. This is an intermediate kick that requires a good amount of flexibility and a strong core and legs. I executed the kick perfectly but pulled a muscle in my thigh on the landing. The pain was excruciating and I barely made it to the end of class on my feet (Thankfully when I attempted this class was almost over).

So my point is to know your physical limits. You always want to push yourself to the limit, but if you push past them it will result in injury which could be permanent. Thankfully I didn't permanently injure myself on Monday, but it could have just as easily been a tendon torn, or an improper landing and a resulting bone break which would have been far more detrimental. Bruce Lee always said to work to the point of muscle failure. While this may be a good practice for a trained athlete training to be the best, when you are just starting out you want to start small and stretch stretch stretch. Advancing in skill, endurance and flexibility takes a lot of time and work. This is where dedication pays off. Make small goals for yourself for the short term, and in the long term you will be successful.

So my point is to know your physical limits. You always want to push yourself to the limit, but if you push past them it will result in injury which could be permanent. Thankfully I didn't permanently injure myself on Monday, but it could have just as easily been a tendon torn, or an improper landing and a resulting bone break which would have been far more detrimental. Bruce Lee always said to work to the point of muscle failure. While this may be a good practice for a trained athlete training to be the best, when you are just starting out you want to start small and stretch stretch stretch. Advancing in skill, endurance and flexibility takes a lot of time and work. This is where dedication pays off. Make small goals for yourself for the short term, and in the long term you will be successful.
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