Flow Drills @ Plus One

Recently my head instructor did some flow drills coupled with a cool locking set that one can practice with a partner. They all built on each other nicely and I thought it would be good to have the videos located in one place so that people know they are meant to be together.

These types of drills are great for practicing conceptual implementation of your defense techniques, especially in styles like Kenpo or our school's Sho Bin Ju.

I highly recommend you check these out, but don't think of them as fighting techniques or just drills. Think of them as a platform to practice off of. For example try implementing a Kenpo defense off of the middle of the 3rd video which covers a Sarmiento drill. It evokes some deep thought about when the defenses can be put to use and how well you should know your defenses for them to be practical if you were in a situation where you'd have to use them.

Hopefully you'll never have to use your defenses in a live scenario, but mixing them into these flow drills can definitely help you understand how quickly a live scenario would be and how fast you'll have to react and think, or not think, in real life.

Train on.
