Just saw this video and thought it was pretty cool. I've read his biography and watched many different videos with Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee in them. This is especially interesting though because it's just Chuck talking about Bruce as a friend, because they were friends.
Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris are both icons in the acting and martial arts worlds so, like so many actors and performers, it's easy to forget that they are/were just guys with regular hopes, dreams and goals. Chuck has spent a lot of his later years now, working on his charity foundation to help kids resolve conflicts productively and reduce gang violence. I have a lot of respect for him and what he's accomplished between his charity foundation and his amazing career. What I find most impressive is that, with all he's done over the years, every time I watch an interview with him on a talk show or in a YouTube format like this, he always seems very down to earth and even humble.
I think I might have a little bit of a swelled head if I spawned a whole genre of jokes, simply because I'm a bad-ass. ;-)
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